September 9, 2004
- We have been working very hard to get a range of features and fixes into PATN V3.02. While we would have liked to include more features, we wanted to get this release out to address some issues. We hope that you will like the result! Here is what has been added for PATN v3.02-
- PATN can now handle millions of objects. Size and speed will be dependent on the size of the dataset and the system memory available for PATN.
- Better import from the old and new DOS versions of PATN. The binary files (.prm, .clb, .rlb and .dat) are now better handled.
- Better handling of import of ASCII (.arc) files from old and new DOS versions of PATN. Importing these files is fraught with danger due to the potential complexity of user nominated formats. We now use ‘free format’ for the data component (from record 5 onwards). This means that all values must be separated by at least one space or comma. See PATN v3.02 help.
- Automatic group statistics not generated when number of groups = 1. This makes for much faster imports and random number generation when creating new test datasets.
- Import of datasets with numeric row or column labels will display without trailing zeros.
- One-dimensional ordinations are now available!
- Importing 1, 2 or 3-dimensional ordination coordinates is automatically detected by PATN.
- All EXPORTED data from PATN now includes headers and labels. All IMPORTED analysis data can be identical in format to the exported files (with header AND labels), or not have ANY headers and labels. PATN will detect and act accordingly. You can’t mix and match though.
- An exported Data Table no longer contains un-initialized ordination coordinates and PCC results.
- File Import and Export of a-priori (user-defined) groups added and the format for export and import is the same as for standard group compositions.
- Row labels can now be dragged to any suitable width.
- Group numbers for all classifications now goes from 1 to k, where k = number of groups. Ungrouped objects are still labeled -1. We may change this to “0” in PATN v3.03.
- PATN project files (*.ptn) can be dragged and dropped on PATN for import. Also double-clicking “ptn” files now works more consistently.
- Scatter plots of any two columns (or rows) are now available through a button on the PATN toolbar (to the right of histogram button) and the View Menu. Symbol size can decreased and increased using the “,” and “.” keys respectively.
- Alternate graphics options for ordination plotting has been dropped. PATN now only uses DirectX7.
- In the ordination plot, the right mouse menu has been re-ordered into a more logical sequence.
- In ordination Plot, the right mouse click menu: ‘Display Grouping” renamed to “Display centroid colors”. This makes the command more obvious. The colors of the groups are defined by the colors of the centroid of the groups.
- In ordination plot, an option for which group type to display has been added. If “Display centroid colors” is active, the PATN groups and the a-priori group colors can be toggled on the display by using the “t” or “T” key. This is neat for detecting differences between two classifications!
- Selecting the Data | Row | a-priori groups menu command now will automatically close any open row dendrogram window. Previously, there was a cryptic warning message in the a-priori dialog box.
- An open ordination plot window will be automatically closed if you run a PCC evaluation.
- All File | Import Analysis Data will add a line to the History log.
- Check for updates from inside PATN v3.02 will now use you Web Browser due to some problems encountered by some users behind firewall/proxy-servers. The joys of security!